Chicken Doodle Soup is a cartoonist who perfected his craft for 27 long years in the exotic temple of the INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES – studying under famed artist, Binky The Wonder Turtle. Mr. The Wonder Turtle is highly acclaimed for his celebrated portraits of 17 U.S. presidents fashioned with unparalleled brilliance, using a special hybrid mixture of semi-gloss paint and Dodger Stadium bacon grease.
Iceberg Tony is an “honest” entrepreneur who prides himself on providing popular commercial products to the general public far below retail-price points. As a generous humanitarian who worries constantly about the less fortunate, he is often heard at charity events delivering his passionate, teary-eyed proclamation that, “Until now, all my parole-board hearings have been rigged.”
Donnell Owens is a valued employee at ICEBERG TONY’S USED DENTURE DISCOUNTS, SUSHI JERKY NUGGETS AND MOBILE PUBLISHING COMPANY IN A VAN. Their office, high-demand merchandise and printing press are on wheels for fast getaways, uh, deliveries to customers – and Mr. Owens is to be congratulated for having received a promotion from low-level van wash-and-waxer, to the coveted position of Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Proper Vehicle Tire Pressure